Pay close attention if this comes out of your mouth, your body is warning you that:

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When blisters or sores appear on your lips or inside your mouth, they may indicate herpes simplex, a viral infection caused by HSV-1 (oral herpes) or sometimes HSV-2 (genital herpes). Transmitted through close contact, this virus can stay dormant in your body and reactivate when your immune system is weakened.

**Identifying Oral Herpes:**
Common symptoms include tingling, fluid-filled blisters near the lips or inside the mouth, redness, swelling, crusting as the sores heal, and occasionally fever, fatigue, or swollen lymph nodes.

**Triggers for Outbreaks:**
Outbreaks can be triggered by stress, illness, sun exposure, hormonal changes, or lip injuries.

**Treatment and Prevention:**
Antiviral medications, over-the-counter remedies, and home care like cool compresses can manage symptoms. Prevent outbreaks by avoiding contact during active sores, practicing good hygiene, using lip protection, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Though there’s no cure, herpes is manageable with proper care. Consult a healthcare provider if outbreaks are frequent or severe.

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