A Man Was So Excited to Become a Father That He Asked Users for Their Best Dad Jokes: The Internet Delivered

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One new dad was so excited to become a father that he asked users for their best dad jokes, and the internet delivered!

“We recently welcomed our baby girl into the world, and I cannot describe how proud I am of this little bug. We haven’t known each other for very long, but every day I’m working on being the best father I can be for her,” the user shared.

A kid’s hand in his father’s | Source: Pexels

The man said that while his daughter couldn’t talk, he had about 13 years until she would be able to roll eyes at his annoying jokes. So, he needed to come prepared. ” I want to be ready to embarrass her in front of any waitress, boyfriend, or teacher.”

Here are some of the top dad jokes that were shared:

Father carrying his son on his shoulders | Source: Pexels

The Classic Fortune Cookie Conundrum
Every time my dad opens a fortune cookie, he gets a distressed look on his face and says, “It says ‘Help! I’m being held captive in a fortune cookie factory!’ We have to help this person!” None of my siblings or I have ever fallen for it, but he’s been doing it for at least 30 years. Now he’s got grandkids to try it on, and I’m sure they won’t fall for it either.

Opening a fortune cookie | Source: Pexels

Egg-cellent Humor
Dad at breakfast: “I’ll have bacon and eggs, please.”

Waiter: “How do you like your eggs?”

Dad: “I don’t know, I haven’t gotten them yet!”

Eggs and bacon | Source: Pexels

Sock It to Me
Dad: “Do your socks have holes in them?”

Kid: “No.”

Dad: “Then how’d you get your feet in them?”

Socks with flowers | Source: Pexels

Graveyard Giggles
“Why do graveyards have gates? Because people are dying to get in.” My Dad always told it passing a graveyard.

A lone cross | Source: Pexels

Reverse Flashback
Dad, putting the car in reverse: “Ahh, this takes me back.”

Bar Bump
Three guys walked into a bar. You’d think one of them would have seen it.

Restaurant Rumble
Not a joke in the traditional sense, but when I’m at a restaurant and the waitress says, “Do you wanna box for that?” I always reply with, “No, but I’ll wrestle you for it.” No one ever gets it, but it makes me laugh. And that’s the point, right?

Earning Cremation
“Anyone can get buried when they die; if you want to be cremated, you have to urn it.”

Elephant Evasion
“You know why you never see an elephant hiding in a tree? Because they’re very good at it.”

Cemetery Stumper
Dad: “Did you know that the people living nearby actually can’t be buried in that cemetery?”

Kid: “Why?”

Dad: “Because they’re not dead yet.”

Anti-Depressant Theft
“Someone broke in last night and stole all my anti-depressants. I hope they’re happy.”

Shady Trees
At the park with my girls: “Dad, can we go play?”

Me: “Sure, just stay away from those trees over there.”

Girls: “Umm… okay, why?”

Me: “I don’t know… they look a little shady to me.”

Gym Jargon
“I haven’t been to the gym in so long I’ve gone back to calling it James.”

Fish Frustration
“What did the fish say when he swam into a wall? ‘Dam!’”

Affair Fiasco
My dad once sat me down and told me that while my mother was on holiday, he’d been having an affair. Deadly serious, he tells me it’s not worth it because when it was happening, one time she told him to come over because nobody was home. And he went, and knocked, but got no answer. Because nobody was home.

I was worried for their marriage, and the whole thing was the setup for a joke.

Mime Abduction
“I’ve been a dad for 26 years, so this is the real deal: I was abducted by a group of mimes. They did unspeakable things to me.”

Cheap Chicken
Dad at lunch:Dad: “Do you have anything cheap? Because I’m not that hungry.”

Waiter: “Well, maybe the chicken strips for $6.”

Dad: “Well, maybe it does, but that doesn’t help my hunger.”

Pregnancy Pun
Wife to husband: “I’m pregnant.”

Husband to wife, trying to be funny: “Hi pregnant, I’m Dad.”

Wife: “No, you’re not.”

Pride and Joy
This one comes from my dad: My dad was talking to some friends, introducing me.

My Dad: “This is my pride and joy, my only son… I think.” It’s short, but it really made me laugh.

Dad Joke Criteria
“How do you know when a joke is a Dad joke? When it’s apparent…”

Weekend Wishes
Every time someone says, “If I don’t see you again, have a great weekend,” I respond with, “Well, what kind of weekend should I have if you DO see me again?” It cracks me up every time. Them? Not so much.

Haircut Hijinks
My students will ask, “Did you get a haircut?”

Me: “Nope, I got them all cut, thank you for noticing.”

Wingless Wonder
“What do you call a wingless fly? A walk.”

Norwegian Finish
The waiter, as we’re just done eating: “Are you finished?”

My dad, at Every. Single. Restaurant. Ever: “No, Norwegian.”

Nothing Left
Dad, reading the paper: “Did you hear about the guy who got his left arm and left leg cut off?”

Me: “No.”

Dad: “Well, he’s all right now.”

As this new father embarks on his journey of parenthood, he’s well-equipped with an arsenal of hilarious dad jokes, ready to elicit giggles and eye rolls from his daughter for years to come. With the help of the internet, he’s already off to a great start in becoming the best dad ever. Here’s to many more laughs and cherished moments ahead!

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