A wish list compiled by this foster child

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The story of a brave boy from Oklahoma touched the hearts of many when it was shared on Facebook by a group called “Dream Catchers for Abused Children.” This amazing group works hard to help kids who have suffered from family violence, and they wanted to spread the word about this boy’s incredible journey.

This boy had a tough life. His biological parents were not kind to him at all. They were alcoholics who abused him and didn’t feed him properly for years. He often thought about the happy moments of his early childhood, wishing he could go back to those joyful times. He dreamed of a life filled with love and safety, far away from the pain he had known.

One day, things changed for the better. Neighbors who saw what was happening reported the situation to the police. They could no longer stand by while the boy suffered. Because of their bravery, the boy was taken away from his biological parents and placed in the care of an organization called Sleep Catchers for Violent Children.

This group specializes in helping children escape from dangerous homes and find a safe place to live.

The volunteers at Sleep Catchers acted quickly. They understood how important it was for this boy to feel loved and secure. They worked hard to find him a new adoptive family who could provide him with the normal, happy life he deserved. After some time, they found the perfect family for him.

When the boy learned that he was going to be adopted, he felt a rush of excitement and hope. He wanted to express his feelings and dreams for his new life, so he wrote a heartfelt letter to his new family. In this letter, he shared his wishes for what he hoped his new home would be like. His words were simple but powerful, revealing the innocence and longing of a child who had been through so much.

Here’s what the boy wrote:

“Things I want in my family:

I want food and water.

Don’t hit on me.

A house with running water and lights.

I want love.

Mom and dad don’t fight.

I want no drugs.

Don’t kill my pets.

Help with school.

Nice clean clothes.

No lice. No bugs in the house.

Clean house.

Clean bed with covers.

Don’t sell my toys.

Treated fair.

Don’t get drunk.

TV in house.

Let me keep my school stuff.

Nice shoes.

My own comb and soap. Nice house and safe with heat and coat.


Each of these wishes showed how much he craved a safe and loving environment. He wanted basic things that many of us take for granted, like food, clean clothes, and a peaceful home. His simple desires reminded everyone that there are children out there who need our help and support.

As people read his letter, tears filled their eyes. It was a powerful reminder of the struggles faced by so many children, and it sparked a wave of compassion and kindness. “When we think about our own problems, let’s remember the children who have nothing,” one commenter wrote, capturing the spirit of empathy this story inspired.

This boy’s journey from a life of abuse to one filled with hope and love is a beautiful testament to the strength of the human spirit. His story encourages us to look out for those in need and to always strive to make the world a better place for children everywhere. What do you think of this story? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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