My MIL Pretended to Be Disabled to Make Me Her Servant — I Taught Her a Lesson in Front of the Whole Family

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My mother-in-law needing constant care turned our world upside down. But that was just the start! At my husband’s birthday bash, a seemingly ordinary moment blew the lid off a shocking secret. Let’s just say, our lives haven’t been the same since!

For a month, I became a full-time caregiver for my mother-in-law…only to discover it might have all been an act! It sounds unbelievable, but there I was, bringing her meals while she was in bed, tidying up, and even helping her change. Let’s just say that month was an unanticipated adventure in unexpected territory.

An elderly woman in a wheelchair | Source: Midjourney

At first, I was okay with it because she was my husband’s mom, but over time, I became exhausted. She gave me a new task every 20 minutes.

“Keira, could you bring me a glass of water?” Betty called from her bed.

“Sure, Mom,” I replied, trying to keep my tone pleasant.

Five minutes later, she yelled again, “Keira, I need another pillow under my legs.”

I sighed, heading back to her room. “Here you go.”

“Could you open the curtains a bit more? It’s too dark in here,” she said, not even looking at me.

The young woman opening the curtains | Source: Midjourney

Following Betty’s instructions became a daily dance. My patience, once abundant, began to show cracks. For context, let’s just say Betty had a particular way of expressing her opinions.

My cooking, cleaning, and even my parenting all fell under her critical gaze. Nothing I did seemed to meet her standards. She always found a way to make me feel inadequate and constantly put me down. Dinner conversations, for example, were like tightrope walks.

“You call this a meal?” Betty would scoff, her gaze lingering on the dish.

“Hoping you’d enjoy something new,” I’d reply, a hint of (perhaps forced?) cheer in my voice.

A tired woman mopping the floor | Source: Midjourney

“Well, it’s not very good, Keira. Maybe next time, follow a recipe,” she’d retort, shaking her head.

When she “became disabled,” I felt obligated to take care of her despite our rocky relationship. But she took full advantage of my kindness. She called me into her room at all hours, and her demands were never-ending.

As soon as I finished one task, she had another ready for me. Basically, she made me do everything for her and never showed a single sign of gratitude.

An elderly woman sitting at the dinner table | Source: Midjourney

One evening, I visited my friend Melanie who lives across the street. My mother-in-law didn’t know I was at Melanie’s house. I needed a break, and Melanie was always a good listener.

“Mel, I don’t know how much more I can take,” I said, sinking into her couch.

Melanie handed me a cup of tea. “She’s still making you run around like a maid?”

“Every twenty minutes,” I nodded, feeling the exhaustion in my bones. “I don’t mind helping, but she’s so demanding and ungrateful.”

A woman talking to her friend | Source: Midjourney

“You need to take care of yourself too, Keira,” Melanie said firmly. “You can’t pour from an empty cup.”

I sighed, knowing she was right. “I just wish Josh would say something to her.”

“He should,” Melanie agreed. “It’s not fair to you.”

As we chatted, I glanced out the window and saw my mother-in-law’s silhouette in our house. I froze.

“Mel, look!” I pointed as my heart was racing. “Is that…?”

Melanie squinted. “Oh my God, she’s walking!”

A shocked woman | Source: Midjourney

I couldn’t believe my eyes. Betty was moving around the house without any difficulty, doing things she claimed to be unable to do. My anger reached a boiling point.

“I can’t believe this,” I muttered, feeling a wave of rage and betrayal. “She’s been lying this whole time!”

Melanie’s eyes widened. “You need to expose her, Keira. She can’t get away with this.”

“I’m going to,” I said, standing up with a newfound determination. “She’s going to face the whole family, and I’ll make sure they see the truth.”

I stormed out of Melanie’s house, adrenaline pumping through my veins. I couldn’t wait to confront Betty and show everyone the deceit she had woven.

The thought of her smug face, when I caught her in the act, made my blood boil. It was time for her to face the consequences of her actions.

The next day, we had a birthday party for my husband at our house. All our friends and family were there. The living room was filled with the sound of laughter and chatter, colorful streamers hung from the ceiling, and the delicious aroma of the birthday cake wafted through the air.

Despite the festive atmosphere, I felt a knot in my stomach. I was nervous but determined. I had to show everyone the truth.

“Who wants some tea?” I asked, smiling brightly as I looked around the room. Everyone nodded, including Betty, who sat smugly in her wheelchair, basking in the attention.

I prepared a kettle and filled it with cold water, making it look like it was boiling. My heart pounded in my chest as I carried the kettle towards Betty. As I neared her, I pretended to trip. The kettle flew out of my hands, aiming straight at her.

“Watch out!” someone shouted.

Thinking the water was scalding hot, Betty leaped out of her wheelchair and dodged the kettle with surprising agility. The room fell silent. The guests stared in shock as Betty stood there, fully capable of walking and moving.

“You can walk!” one of the guests exclaimed. “You’ve been lying this whole time?”

My husband, Josh, turned to me, his face a mix of shock and realization. “You’ve been taking care of her all this time while she could walk?” he asked, looking at his mother in disbelief.

Betty stammered, her face turning red. “I… I was just… I didn’t want to burden anyone…”

“Burden anyone?” Josh’s voice rose with anger. “You’ve been making Keira your servant for a whole month, Mom! How could you do this?”

Betty looked around, her eyes pleading. “I didn’t mean to… I just…”

“Just what?” Josh interrupted, his anger palpable. “You lied to us! You let Keira wear herself out while you pretended to be helpless!”

The guests exchanged glances and whispered among themselves. The tension in the room was thick.

I couldn’t help but laugh, breaking the heavy silence. “I guess the tea wasn’t that hot after all,” I said, still chuckling. The guests slowly started to laugh too, the tension easing a bit.

Josh approached me, his face filled with regret and sorrow. “I’m so sorry, Keira,” he said earnestly. “But trust me, I won’t let my mother ever treat you like that again.”

“It’s not your fault, Josh,” I said, placing a hand on his arm. “None of us knew the truth. Your mom certainly played a convincing part.”

Josh gave me a determined look before turning to Betty. “Mom, now that you’re perfectly healthy and your game is over, don’t you think it’s time to leave? I would be grateful if you could go back to your home and let us all live in peace.”

“But Josh…” Betty had barely said a word when Josh interjected.

“I’m done listening to you, Mother. Please leave,” said Josh.

Josh standing up for me filled me with a newfound sense of strength.

As for Betty, she never tried to pull a stunt like that again. The incident became a family legend, a story we would tell at gatherings to much laughter and head-shaking.

A few weeks after the party, Betty turned up at our doorstep again. This time, she looked different, softer somehow. She approached me while I was in the kitchen, preparing dinner.

“Keira,” she began hesitantly. “I owe you an apology.”

I turned to face her, surprised. “What for?”

“For everything,” she sighed. “For being so hard on you, for pretending to be disabled. I see now how much you do for this family, and I’m truly sorry.”

I studied her for a moment, then nodded. “Thank you, Betty. That means a lot.”

We shared a quiet moment, the first peaceful one in a long time. It wasn’t a perfect relationship, but it was a start.

As time passed, I saw Betty’s behavior change drastically. She offered to help with the kids and even complimented my cooking occasionally.

Our family was far from perfect, but we had learned to appreciate each other a little more. And that, I realized, was the most important lesson of all.

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