Young woman with facial tattoos, piercings confronts TJ Maxx employees after she was denied a job

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The Job Rejection That Sparked a Viral Conversation
Have you ever applied for a job and wondered why you didn’t get it? Was it your skills, your appearance, or something else entirely? This is exactly what happened to Ash Putnam, a 23-year-old from California, when she applied for a position at TJ Maxx. Her experience turned into a viral sensation on TikTok, where she shared her frustrations with the world.

Ash’s TikTok video quickly gained traction, racking up over seven million views and thousands of comments. In her video, she expressed her disbelief at being rejected for an entry-level job. “I applied for a job at TJ Maxx, and all I got was an automated email saying I didn’t get it,” she explained. “They couldn’t even call me; they just sent me some automated email.”

Feeling frustrated and wanting answers, Ash decided to take matters into her own hands. She visited the TJ Maxx store where she had applied and confronted the employees. “I went in today and was like, ‘So what was the reason why I didn’t get hired?’” she recounted.

The employee replied, “Oh, you just don’t have enough experience. There were candidates that had more experience than you.”

Ash was not satisfied with this vague response. “I asked her if it was about my tattoos because I know a lot of places don’t like tattoos,” she said. The employee assured her that her tattoos were not the reason for the rejection, but Ash wasn’t convinced. “I don’t feel like that’s true, but whatever, I will leave it at that,” she added, clearly still upset.

In her video, Ash passionately defended herself, stating, “Just because I have tattoos does not mean I am not going to be a good worker.

I do not understand that at all. Quite literally, some of the smartest, most intelligent people I have ever met are people with tattoos and piercings.” Her words resonated with many viewers, sparking a lively discussion in the comments section.

As the comments poured in, it became clear that many people shared Ash’s concerns. One commenter, identifying as a tattoo artist, said, “It’s probably the tattoos.” Another user, an HR supervisor, chimed in, “There is no way any company would put you in front of customers like TJ Maxx.”

A former TJ Maxx employee added, “They will hire just about anyone that comes off the street. It’s definitely the tattoos and piercings.”

Even Ash herself began to wonder if her tattoos played a role in her rejection. “I absolutely do think it’s about my tattoos because apparently my tattoos are demonic and scary to a lot of people,” she told the Daily Star.

“TJ Maxx did not say this to me—that’s just a lot of the comments I’ve gotten on my video. People are being extremely hateful on my TikTok, saying I should work at a circus or Halloween stores.”

Despite the negativity, Ash remained determined to challenge the stigma surrounding tattoos in the workplace. She believes that companies need to rethink their hiring practices. “If they think tattoos determine job skill and qualifications, they really need to rethink,” she argued.

“Tattoos, piercings, and colored hair are not unprofessional. It shows creativity and uniqueness. It’s 2024; people need to get over not liking tattoos.”

Ash’s story has sparked an important conversation about acceptance and diversity in the workplace. Many people are beginning to realize that a person’s appearance, including tattoos, does not define their abilities or work ethic. As Ash’s video continues to circulate, it serves as a reminder that everyone deserves a fair chance, regardless of their personal style.

What do you think of Ash’s experience? Do you believe tattoos should affect job opportunities? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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